Alba Project: Platform Hook-up and Commissioning,
Equatorial Guinea - Marathon Oil Company

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Offshore Base alongside ALBA 'B2'
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Offshore Services
MCV Offshore Base
Offshore Base Machine Shop

Offshore Sample Contracts
ALBA Project, Marathon OC, EG
GUPCO Platform Repairs, Egypt
CHEVRON Flowstation Revamp, Nigeria
MEGI FPSO Life Extension, EG

- $25 million contract within a $600 million project.

Part of a $2 billion project for the construction and hook-up of an LNG plant on Bioko Island.

- Hook-up of 4 gas production platforms offshore.
- Completion and hook-up of causeway landfall tie-in.
- Demolition and rebuild of 'A' platform.
- Major hook-up including installation of jacket and spider deck and topside modules of 'B2' platform.
- Tie-in of platform 'B'.
- Hook-up of platform 'C'.

ALBA 'A' - Main Deck demolition work
ALBA 'A' - Main Deck demolition work

ALBA 'B2' - Platform Jacket and Spider Deck arrival
ALBA 'B2' - Platform Jacket and Spider Deck arrival

ALBA 'B' - Stairwell construction
ALBA 'B' - Stairwell construction

- Supply of:
- Project management team.
- Hook-up and commissioning crew.
- Marine support vessels.
- Offshore Base work barge/flotel.
- Onshore logistics and immigration.
- Staff houses.
- Offshore catering.
- Procurement of equipment and consumables.
- Dive team.
- Onshore QA/QC support.
- Medics and safety officers.
- Marine engineering services.
- Painting and blasting.

Safe working commendation received from client at contract end.

- Fast track project involving SIMOPS throughout.
- Marine operations successfully carried out in close proximity of surface and subsea assets.

ALBA 'B2' bridge landing area - droppers
ALBA 'B2' bridge landing area - droppers

Landfall causeway tie-in, ALBA Field
Landfall causeway tie-in, ALBA Field

Offshore Services
MCV Offshore Base
Offshore Base Machine Shop

Offshore Sample Contracts
ALBA Project, Marathon OC, EG
GUPCO Platform Repairs, Egypt
CHEVRON Flowstation Revamp, Nigeria
MEGI FPSO Life Extension, EG

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